Please E-Mail me an image and description of what you want with dimensions that you want.. I will look it over, make sure I can make it. I will let you know the price. Prices vary from $60 up. If you agree upon the price, I will put a logo on the website with your initials on it for you to purchase. Once you purchase, I will make your die and or dies.
Most customs take
anywhere from 2 1/2 to 4 weeks to complete and ship.
Please understand that customs will stay
exclusive for one year. (At my discretion) So many designs and ideas closely
resemble each other so please keep in mind for example, if you want a horseshoe
and another customer wants a horseshoe both horseshoes will probably be
extremely similar.
Please feel free to browse my website… Sometimes people find what they are looking for so they don’t need to pay for a custom die...
I hope this information helps. Send all inquiries to
All designs, photos, text, ideas, etc., are copyrighted, and are the intellectual property of